Fairleigh Dickinson University

Fairleigh Dickinson University
Hafez , as verified by FDU, provides a secure and fast channel for incoming students of FDU to pay their tuition from Iran. In addition, Hafez assists Iranian students in receiving their refunds from FDU to Iran, regardless of their third party.

Tuition Payments

1) contact Hafez via one of their Whatsapp numbers.

2) send your Letter of Acceptance and valid passport.

3) Fidnout how much USD you have to pay and how much CAD that will be using FDU’s link: https://fduedu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/anhphan_fdu_edu/EcZC3LMPEXRAqEL99G8zn6wBX4p5RPjKMUVSijE3ooONvQ?rtime=5pvCLOB_2kg

4) Findout how much CAD it will be and add $20 safety charge. The safety charge will be added to your tuition payment just incase the rate changes by the time FDU receives your tuition.

5) make your payment in Iran

6) Once all payments are received, Hafez will issue a cheque to the university with your name and student number on it.

7) The cheque will be sent via registered and trackable mail

8) Pictures of the cheque and the tracking number will be provided to the student

9) FDU will receive your tution within 2-3 buinsess days and notify you


1) Contact FDU and request your refund (if eligible)

2) On your refund form, mention Hafez as your recipient

* You could have paid your tuition with any party and still have Hafez as your recipient

3) Send the filled out form to FDU

4) FDU will verify your refund and send the funds to Hafez

5) Hafez will contact you once the funds are received and will pay the student in Iran

*All funds go to the student account only