Seneca College

Tuition payment steps:

  1. Send a message to Hafez Exchange through one of the WhatsApp numbers.
  2. Submit your acceptance letter and passport.
  3. Calculate your payment amount in Canadian dollars through the university link.
  4. Add $20 to the calculated item amount for handling and handling, as the matching rate may change from the time the check is sent to the time it is received by the university.
  5. Add the amount of 50 dollars for Hafez.
  6. Pay the calculated amount in Iran.
  7. The check will be sent by registered and trackable mail.
  8. Check images and tracking number will be provided to the student.
  9. FDU will receive and notify you of your tuition within 2-3 business days

Withdrawal steps:

  1. Correspond with the university and if you are eligible, send your return request form to the university.
  2. In your refund form, mention Hafez as your payee. (You could have paid your tuition with any exchange and still have Hafez as your payee).
  3. Submit the completed form to FDU.
  4. FDU will confirm your refund and send the funds to the custodian.
  5. After receiving the payment, Hafez will contact you and pay the student in Iran.